Your Board Circles Diagnostic

Complete the Board Circles diagnostic and discover how effective your board is and where it can be improved

  • Foundations

  • Please choose a score for each question 1 = Poor 10 = excellent
  • Rate the finance function on its integration and ability to adapt to external changes.
  • Rate the people function on its integration and ability to select and equip Human Resources to make the maximum contribution to your organisation.
  • Rate the technology function on its integration and ability to support all the functions of your organisation.
  • Rate the strategy function on its integration and flexibility and adaptability to new opportunities
  • Rate the risk function on its integration and ability to deal with risk holistically as well as individually
  • Rate the culture function on its integration and ability to adapt to and learn from environmental changes
  • Power-Up

  • Rate yourself / your Board on Transformational Thinking. Transformational thinking is about:
    • Challenging current practices and business model
    • Thinking about how your organisation will look in 10 years
  • Rate yourself / your board on understanding the concept and need for deep end-to-end integration of systems and processes. Integration is about:
    • Internal systems and processes on being strongly integrated with each other.
    • Internal systems and processes on being strongly supportive of the company goals.
    • Yourself and your board on having an integration focus
  • Rate yourself / your board on your / their ability to rapidly adapt and re-organise in the face of significant external changes.
  • Rate yourself / your board on engaging with existing and emerging stakeholders.
  • Super-Power

  • Rate yourself / your board on your / their leadership ability. Good leadership focuses and delivers on:
    • Creating an inspiring vision of the future.
    • Motivating and inspiring engagement with the vision.
    • Managing delivery of the vision.
    • Coaching and building teams to achieve the vision.
  • Rate yourself / your Board on focussing your social licence. Managing social licence means:
    • Focussing decision making into the frame of the social licence given to it by stakeholders
    • Making decisions which would not require explaining or justifying if they became public
  • Get Your Report

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